The old traditional methods of criminal investigations gave forensic experts a tedious job. They relied only in witnesses and visual presentation. But how about the unseen cases of murders and other criminal acts? Because of the advancement of technology and human knowledge, forensic experts collect evidence around the crime scene including hair remains, liquids like saliva, semen and others. These are the good sources of excellent evidence in connection with the DNA or the so called Deoxyribonucleic acid. organisms can be identified uniquely by their DNA sequences and basically it cannot be forged, altered or faked in any way. To do this, forensic experts scan about 13 DNA regions that vary from person to person and it will be used to create a DNA profile or DNA fingerprint. According to research, there is very small chance that another person has the same DNA structure and not even the identical twins. Forensic experts uses DNA to match organ donors, detect bacteria that may pollute water and soil, identify crimes and victims and many others.